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Plan Robusto Portuguesa

Transmission Lines and Substations

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Detail engineering of the substations associated to Central West Transmission System of CORPOELEC. Substation Portuguesa 400/115 / 13.8 KV, Substation Bicentenaria 115 / 13.8 KV and substation Turen 115 KV, Acarigua II 115 KV, Substation Cabudare and substation Yaracuy 400 KV.

Plan Sistema Sur

Transmission Lines and Substations

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Detailed engineering of the substations and transmission lines associated with the South System expansion project: S / E Caicara Provisional 230/115 kv, S / E Pijiguaos 230/115 kv and 230 kv expansion of the S / E Cabruta 230/115 / 34.5 / 13.8 kV. Rehabilitation of the Cabruta- Pijiguaos transmission line in 230 kv - China Gezouba Group Co / CORPOELEC

Planta Cumana

Transmission Lines and Substations

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Detailed engineering of the civil, electromechanical and auxiliary services of the substations: San Diego de Cabrutica 230/115 KV, Pariaguan 230 KV and El Tigre 230 / 34.5 / 13.8 KV associated with the 300 MW combined cycle generation plant located in the town of San Diego de Cabrutica - Anzoátegui State

Planta Centro

Management and Supervisions


The project consists of the expansion of the central plant thermoelectric plant through the construction of one (1) 600 MW steam thermoelectric generation unit in addition to the five existing 400 MW units in the central plant, for a total installed capacity of 2,600 MW . Deproex C.A provided technical assistance services to the Corpoelec project management.

Antonio Jose de Sucre


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Deproex CA carried out the plant site selection study, as well as the basic engineering and supervision during the initial construction stage which consists of two (2) GE Frame 7FA turbogenerator units of 170 MW (ISO) each for a nominal capacity of 340 MW ISO in open cycle. Having a capacity of 1000 MW in its final stage under ISO conditions, and will be made up of two modules of 500 MWc / u.

Decoyne - Consortium


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Deproex, through the consortium, was in charge of assisting CORPOELEC since 2006, in all aspects of technical consultancy for the projects of the Alto Caroní; Gurí, Caruachi, Macagua and Tocoma under construction, modernization of the Gurí power plant, rehabilitation of Macagua, and technical assistance in the National Electrical Eystem (SEN) CORPOELEC (EDELCA)

800 KV System

Transmission Lines and Substations

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Elaboration of the detailed engineering of the civil works for autotransformers, reactors and heavy track for the substations: Malena 800 KV, San Geronimo 800 KV, San Geronimo 400 KV, Yaracuy 800 KV and El Tigre 400 KV.

San Geronimo Expansion

Transmission Lines and Substations

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Detailed engineering associated with the conditioning of land, civil works and electromechanical works of the substations: San Geronimo "A" 400 KV line outlet, San Geronimo "C" complete 400 KV yard and Cabruta complete 230 KV yard. Project of the 400 KV line for the interconnection of the two 400 KV patios

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