Antonio Jose de Sucre Thermoelectric Plant (Cumaná)
Plant site selection study, as well as basic engineering, inspection and supervision in the construction stage.
DEPROEX C.A made the study of selection of the plant site, as well as in the basic engineering, inspection and supervision in the construction stage. It is located in Cumana, Sucre State and will have in its final stage a capacity of 1000 MW made up of two modules of 500 MW ISO each.
Planta Centro Thermoelectrical
Inspection of an additional 600 MW Steam Thermoelectric Generation Unit
The Project consists of the expansion of the Central Plant Thermoelectric Plant through the construction of one (1) 600 MW Steam Thermoelectric Generation Unit in addition to the five existing 400 MW units in the Central Plant, for a total installed capacity of 2,600 M
Hydroelectric Plant Manuel Piar
Specialized Technical Advice for the Engineering Management of CORPOELEC and the Inspection and supervision of construction through the Uriapari Consortium.
The Manuel Piar Hydroelectric Plant Project in Tocoma is the last of the hydroelectric developments that constitute the exploitation of the Lower Caroní Hydroelectric complex. The Plant will have 10 Kaplan-type generating units with a nominal capacity per unit of 216 megawatts, for a total of 2,160 MW of installed capacity.
Upgrading Simón Bolivar
(GURI) Project
DEPROEX under the figure of the Decoyne Consortium, provided specialized technical advisory services for the modernization project of the Simón Bolívar Hydroelectric Power Plant
Modernization of the Simón Bolívar Hydroelectric Plant whose objective is to extend the useful life by 25 years, increasing reliability, efficiency and power, with the conditioning, rehabilitation, technological update and repowering of the generating units and automation, increasing its capacity by 760 MW in the first phase I and later in phase II up to 795 MW.
Refurbishment Project Of
Macagua I Plant
Rehabilitation of the Engine House I of the "Antonio José de Sucre" Hydroelectric Power Plant
DEPROEX participated as a Consortium for the rehabilitation of the Machine House I of the “Antonio José de Sucre” Hydroelectric Power Plant in Macagua (Macagua I Plant); which contemplates the replacement of the current turbines with six (06) Francis turbines of 79.5 MW. This replacement will increase the nominal capacity to 477 MW.
Caruachi Hydroelectric Plant
Advice for the Project Engineering Management. Preparation of the detailed engineering of the civil works of the 400KV substation
DEPROEX provided the Advisory Services for the Project Engineering Management. Likewise, in the elaboration of the detailed engineering of the civil works of the 400 kV Electrical Substation of the Hydroelectric Plant, made up of 12 Kaplan-type generating units of 190 MW each, with a total installed capacity of 2,280MW.